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Sunday, November 16, 2014

My Dog

Hello there!  Today, I thought I would tell you about my dog.  He's one of the greatest joys in my life.  We got Nathan in 2008 from a rescue organization.  He is a purebred Shih Tzu that was surrendered to the rescue organization from a puppy mill.  This "breeder" didn't want boy puppies and was going to put him down.  I don't know what made him decide to turn him over to the rescue organization but I am so glad he did. 

The day I got Nathan, I had no intentions of coming home with a dog.  I actually had gone to Best Buy with my mother-in-law because I wanted to buy an Adele CD.  But, the Petco right next door was doing a dog adoption event and we decided to stop in just to pet the dogs.  Fate stepped in!  I saw Nathan in his little cage and noticed with every person that walked by he was eagerly watching for someone to come say hi to him.  I also noticed he was nearly bald because they had to shave him almost to the skin due to all the mats he had in his fur.  He had spent the first five months of his life in a cage.  I decided to pet this sweet little fella and he stole my heart in an instant.  I called my husband and we decided to adopt him.

That was the best $200.00 I ever spent.  We got a purebred dog who was already neutered and had his shots for only $200.00.  Let me say, I don't care that he was a burebred dog, I just want to point out that you can get a purebred dog from a rescue organization if you care about that sort of thing.  What drew me to him was his total love for everyone that walked by even though he had been completely mistreated his whole life.

Nathan is the most loving dog.  He loves the whole family and has never been afraid of people.  He is very outgoing and also very laid back.  When we take him for walks he doesn't try to run off or bark at other dogs or anything.  He just enjoys the walk.  He loves riding in the car too.  The only thing he seems to get nervous about is going to the groomer.  Even then, he is all waggy tailed to the groomer, but he doesn't like the part where he has to be in a kennel. 

Nathan has his own Facebook page  He has also been in every year of a calendar that the rescue group we got him from puts out.  They started the calendar 4 years ago.  All of the proceeds go to the rescue and care of animals.  We were so lucky they rescued Nathan.  He didn't really have to be fostered long because we adopted him the week after they rescued him.  I still can't believe how sweet and gentle and loving he is even after starting out under terrible circumstances with the puppy mill.  I thank my lucky stars I went looking for a CD that day!  Can you tell I love my little dog?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Cheated on the Yarn Diet

So, I cheated on the yarn diet and I'm not even sorry.  Herrchners had a $0.99 cent shipping deal for one day only and I just couldn't resist. I didn't have any Christmas yarn so I bought some of the multi-colored comfy fleece.

They also had my favorite kind of yarn to make scarves with on sale for $1.99 so of course I had to buy 3 colors of that.  Pink, hot pink, and a multi-color called stillness.  Who could pass that up?

I enjoy looking at yarn in person much better than I do ordering it online, but even looking online is fun.  I just couldn't resist, and I have done so good I'm not feeling the slightest bit guilty.  :)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekend Happenings

Have you ever banned someone from your house?  I have after this weekend.  Let me start from the beginning. 

It was a bright and sunny beautiful Friday afternoon, and my Mom and brother got to my house.  They were staying at our house because of a family reunion the following day.  Friday was great with a very nice visit and a nice dinner out.  I am the oldest of 7 kids, and 4 of us were able to make it for the reunion. 

Saturday, the reunion was pretty nice although I have a bit of a nervous issue with crowds.  I barely knew most of the people there, but it was neat to meet my Mom's cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.  My Mom's sister (my Aunt) and her grown kids and their kids were there, and I knew all of them.  And my cousins from my Mom's brother who had passed away were there and I knew them.  Plus, of course I knew my brother who arrived with my Mom.  Another of my brothers was also there, and I got to meet his girlfriend for the first time.  She was very nice and I think (hope) he may have found "the one".  One of my sisters also came with her kids, and her new boyfriend (he seemed nice too, but she has had so many of them.....).  I truly hope she finds "the one" some day.  My brother who wasn't staying with me came up and went home in the same day.  My sister, boyfriend, and her kids stayed at a hotel.

Saturday was a nice day catching up with the people I knew but had not seen for a long time.  I didn't get to visit with my Mom too much during the day because she was catching up with long lost relatives, etc.  It was pretty cool to meet some of her cousins who were playmates of hers she had told stories about.  One of them she had been in a fist fight with when they were kids and my Mom told me she had punched her cousin out.  That totally cracked me up.  Isn't it funny the stories you get to hear about your parents when they were kids?

Saturday night was nice.  My Mom, brother and I stayed up past midnight talking and eating pumpkin bread and junk food.  That was very enjoyable!

Sunday started as a bright and beautiful day.  We got up early and sat around the kitchen table drinking coffee and talking before my Mom and brother had to leave to go back home.  My sister, boyfriend and kids were going to come over to our house for a visit before they also had to go back home.  She actually lives right next door to my Mom and Dad.  When they arrived, my Mom and brother were still here at the house.  For quite a while we had a very pleasant visit and everyone was happy.  My husband was entertaining my sister's sons playing video games with them and talking.  After awhile my Mom and brother had to leave.  :(

Let me tell you a little bit about one of my sister's sons.  He's a brat.  As long ago as I can remember he has been a brat.  He is now 13 years old and hasn't changed.  He's still a brat.  Unfortunately he has been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder.  My youngest son also got diagnosed with that at a very young age and was in therapy for it long ago (all is great now and he is a fine young 15 year old).  The problem with my nephew is he has basically been told nothing is his fault for a long time, and he hasn't gotten the help he needs, and he is impossible to be around.  He throws tantrums and back talks his mother.  He also did some back talking to me during the reunion (he's damned lucky I didn't pop him in the mouth because I sure wanted to). 

Anyway, I have really tried to like him.  I have been his friend on Facebook and play some of the same games with him and so I have given him little gifts in the games, talk to him via instant message, and try to boost his self esteem.  Even while he was here, the first time I saw him I told him how grown up he was getting, etc.  I wanted to have a conversation with him, but he just wanted to pout because his Mom wasn't going to let him go swimming at the hotel, and he wanted another soda pop.  I tried to explain how pools don't let you swim if you don't have proper swim attire and he said "well that's their problem". 

Today, while he was playing a video game he got really angry at it and decided to throw the controller, throw himself down on the sofa, and throw my sofa pillows onto the floor while he cried (keep in mind he's 13 years old).  It was like watching a 3 year old.  So, his Mom told him he could no longer play the video game.  His reaction to that was to whine more and then go outside and get in their car.  After several minutes he comes back in all sweaty from sitting in the car with the windows up and all upset because nobody came to check on him.  I told him I figured he wanted to be alone and he needed to calm himself down.  It was very rude for him to throw things around my living room.  So, he proceeded to back talk me and his mother.  Then, decided he would pretend to shoot my dog.  When I asked him to stop doing that he proceeded to pretend to shoot me.  When I asked him to stop doing that he said "why it's just a hand gesture", and it just blew up from there (more back and forth).  I have had it with this kid.  I told him he was a guest in my house and he was being very rude.  And he said "so".  After that of course his Mom was getting onto him.  And then I finally told him if he wanted to act like that to get out of my house.  I feel a tiny bit bad because I am a grown up and shouldn't engage in a back and forth with a kid like that, but seriously he was getting on my last nerve and I just wanted him to get the hell out.  I know it was awkward for my sister.  This kid should have been disciplined and gotten the right help long ago.  It has gone on too long with him using ODD as an excuse to act any way he wants.  Well, he can act that way somewhere else.

So, after they left I immediately un-friended him from Facebook.  I'm done with him.  If he ever acts like something other than a misbehaving 3 year old, I might try again, but as far as I'm concerned that's it.  Yes, I know that's probably my child-side coming out too, but at least I didn't throw myself down on the ground and start throwing things and crying.  I also didn't punch him out.    ;)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Decorating for Halloween

I started decorating for Halloween!  Yes, I know it's a little early, but I love the decorations so much I wanted to enjoy them longer.  This skeleton, ghost and plaque are in front of my television.  I also have some creepy fabric and chain in the display. 

This is in the entry way of my living room (the table was inherited from my husbands grandmother and I love it).  The picture changes when you move.  The vase with black roses I just love.  And, the book is "haunted".  When you make a loud noise or touch it, the feather writes all by itself with a ghostly voice talking to you.  It is so cool!

This is one of the end tables.  I put a black light in the lamp.  Of course I had to have a skull, and the orange lantern lights up really neat.  You can't even tell how neat it is from the picture.

This is the other end table.  I put a black light in this lamp too.  The creepy phone is cool and I searched all over for it before finally finding it online.  And, now I am seeing it all over the place (Walgreens, Target, Walmart, etc.). If I would have just had patience - -  LOL.  The skeleton is a crow and this lantern lights up green and is really neat too.

This is my kitchen table. Again with the skull theme.  I just can't get enough.  ha ha

This is my new shower curtain I got from LTD Commodities.  I also have a matching rug and towels.  It's kind of wrinkled because I just took it out of the package (and I'm too lazy to iron it).  Along with the matching rug, I bought another rug that is purple for in front of the tub.  It looks really nice. 

I am not done yet, but close.  I have a few things up in the attic I still want to get down, but it got too hot to stay up there for long.  So, over the next few days once it cools off in the mornings I'll get back up there.  I still have the coffee table to go, and a few other things.

This makes me so happy.  Once I am done, I will film things for my Vlog so you can see them in action.  :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

No Babies Please

Just a quick blog today.  Why is it that some people automatically assume you want to hold their baby?  Just because I am a female and a mother does not mean I want to hold your baby.  Now, if it is in regards to babies who I am related to, or babies of people I know very well, no problem, I want to hold that baby.  But a stranger, or someone I barely know?  No way.  Nope.  Nada.  Not holding your baby, sorry. 

Maybe it's just me, but I am almost afraid to hold a baby of someone whom I barely know.  The little person will probably start crying or maybe I will accidentally drop it (which I have never done).  It just makes me really nervous.  I always pretend like I am coming down with something.  "Oh I really shouldn't, I've been under the weather and would hate to give your baby my illness".  Works like a charm.  ;)

Family members or people I am comfortable with I have no issues with.  I guess it's just a nervous "thing" I have going.  Otherwise I just love little babies.  I could look at them all day.  If they aren't crying......

Friday, September 12, 2014

Today is going to be a mini rant.  I love the temperatures when they are in the high 70's or low 80's.  Those are perfect days to me.  And, if swimming is in my future, maybe even a bit warmer.  Mother Nature just doesn't care what I want though.  And, Missouri weather is crazy.  Earlier this week it was in the 90's.  It's still summer so that's not unusual.  But yesterday and today it didn't get out of the 50's.  Tomorrow the lows will be in the 30's!  Highs in the 60's.  Then, back up into the 70's by the end of the week next week.  Good grief!  Lately, I have to look at the weather every day to see how I need to dress the following day. 

I love fall, but I'm not quite ready for it.  Once October hits, I'm ready for fall.  But it shouldn't be arriving already in early September.  I feel like I'm being robbed of the last little bit of warmth in the summer.  And, I am a complete hater of winter.  I don't like being cold, I don't like snow.  I think snow is pretty when it's freshly fallen, but it gets dirty and disgusting in no time flat.  I hate driving in it and especially hate it when it comes with ice too.  Winter is really the only season I dislike.  And, these cold temperatures are making me dread winter earlier than I normally do.  30's in September?  Are you kidding me!?

I hope this isn't an indication of how winter will be.  If so, consider this your warning I will be whining and bitching about it.  ;)

Friday, September 5, 2014


Happy Friday!  Today I want to talk about friends, and how thankful I am for them.  Some of you who have been my friends through our mutual crafting love, know that I have talked about really only having one friend.  My friend Charlotte.  But you know what?  That isn't correct.  I have many friends.  I feel like you are all my friends.  I have grown so much in the past year from what I have learned from my internet friends, and I love learning about them and their lives.  For example, Pam, Debi, Lorri, Margaret, and Kathy, I feel like I could sit down at any time and have a cup of tea or coffee with you and just talk for hours.  Thank you for being my friend.  I look forward to your blogs, vlogs, comments, etc.  You are such great talented women and I am thankful to know you.

Of course I have my best friend Charlotte whom I don't see nearly enough even though we only live about 45 minutes apart.  I can tell her anything and she will never judge me.  She is also a woman I admire very much. She has been through a lot in life and always comes out stronger than ever.  I have never been one of those women who feel like I need to "compete" with other women.  I have always felt like we should have each others backs.  If I see a beautiful woman, I can admire her beauty without being jealous of it (mostly - hee hee).  If I see another woman struggling, I want to help, not judge (mostly - hee hee).  Hey, I'm not perfect, but for the most part that is who I am.  My friend Charlotte is that way too.  She doesn't judge me, and we have never competed with one another to see who dresses the best, etc.  We will be honest with one another if we like something or don't, etc.  I love that about our friendship.

And, I have the incredible good fortune of having past co-workers who I have remained friends with.  I was so blessed to work with the most amazing people before the moving of all our work and everyone losing their jobs.  We were truly a little family and I miss them.  We still get together now and then.  Last night I had dinner with two of my closest friends who I used to work with.  I look forward to those times we get together so much.  It's nice to hear about their lives and their jobs and everything.  At times though, I feel like the fact I still work there is making it harder for me to move on because I have so many reminders of when we were all together, but I am so thankful to still have a job I am not complaining.  I treasure those memories and look forward to the next time we see each other.

And, my husband of course.  He is my best friend in the entire world.  I love him with all my heart and soul.  I don't talk "girl talk" with him and sometimes I think he just pretends to care about whatever I am loom knitting, the latest make-up, clothes, jewelry or crafty items I bought, etc. but the fact he pretends is an important thing.  I can't say I pretend to like football for him.  So, I would say that makes him very special. 

Last but certainly not least, my family I grew up with, my Mom and Dad, and sisters and brothers and extended family.  I don't get to see them very often, but we have grown from parents/siblings into friends.  And, I wouldn't trade them for the world (most of the time - hee hee). 

So, I would say I am very lucky.  I don't just have one friend after all.  Duh!  How could I ever think that?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Getting Back on Track

Well, today was my first day back to work after being on vacation.  I guess it wasn't too bad.  At least I have a job to come back to, right?  Tons of emails and a very busy day, but all in all, not too bad.  Busy days go by fast.  I ended up having to stay late so hopefully I can leave early on another day this week.  I have a different kind of work I need to do now.

The real work for me is getting my butt back on track.  While in Las Vegas we did walk a TON.  I got quite a bit of exercise.  The problem was, I was not burning off all the calories I was eating.  I gained almost 5 pounds so now it's back to healthy eating again.  And, dare I say "diet".  Eek!

I am hoping I can lose those 5 pounds relatively quickly since I gained them so quickly.  I am "this close" to my ultimate goal with this weight loss journey so those 5 pounds is a set back, but I am not worried about it.  It just a small bump in the road. 

Monday, September 1, 2014


Well darn!  I noticed in Sam's Club yesterday that they have Christmas stuff out now.  Christmas trees, and lights, etc.  Good grief, it's too early for Christmas decorations!  They used to get some cool Halloween stuff in, but not this year I guess.  No Halloween at all.  But, I thought to myself, maybe Target will have their Halloween decorations out.  I got myself all excited and made plans to go to Target today.

Well I got exited for nothing.  No Halloween at all.  They still have school supplies out.  Usually by this time they have the school supplies on clearance and are starting to get the Halloween decorations out.  School started in this area 2 weeks ago. 

All is not exactly lost though because I did get to see some Halloween decorations at Gordman's.  They didn't have as much as last year but at least I got a little bit of a "fix".  And, hopefully before too much longer the specialty stores will start opening up.  Do you guys get those Spirit stores in your area?  I get so excited in those stores.  I wish I had a ton of money because I could go nuts in there.  They have some of the coolest, creepy items and I just love it.

So, I will try to keep my patience and keep checking until they finally get all the decorations out.  I am still kicking myself for not buying a Halloween decoration last year from Target that looked like an old fashioned phone, and when you picked up the handset there were random different messages that played.  I thought "next time", but by the time I got back up there they were all sold out, and I couldn't even get it online.  So, I am hopeful they will have them out again this year.  This year, if I see something I want (and it's not crazy expensive), I am snatching it up.  Come on Target, hurry up already!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Controversial Subject

Okay, so it's probably not the best idea to have a brand new blog where you talk about something controversial.  But, this is something that is important to me.  I'm talking about diversity in the United States and how still today it is not truly fully embrased.  I know it's a cliche saying to say "why can't we all just get along", but really, why can't we?  I will never ever understand people who don't believe we are all created equally and I have given up trying to understand it. 

All I know is that for me, I don't care what race, religion, sexual preference, food likes and dislikes, cat or dog lover, accent you speak with, and every other thing that makes us diverse, you are.  Diversity is a beautiful thing.  Embrace it people.  Man, what a boring world it would be if everybody was the same. 

Anyway, I came across a gentleman named Fredrick Wilson II who makes a whole lot of sense. Hopefully the points he makes will be taken to heart. The specific video I came across is the one I am posting a link to here in my blog.  I live in the state of Missouri, and although I am all the way across the state from Ferguson Missouri, we have all heard a lot about the protests that are going on there.  The things that have gone on there are horrible.  Protests are still going on.  It's embarrassing for my state in my opinion.  I don't understand how anybody can think it's okay to protest in such a way where you destroy property and loot businesses and just do plain ignorant things.  It's ridiculous.  Anyway, this gentleman put out a very good video where he is addressing the way some of the African American community is acting (not specific to Ferguson at all).  Notice I say "some".  That is because the vast majority of people in general are good people, but all of us have people who can make a community, race, religion, etc. look bad.  Unfortunately that is where some stereotypes come from.  In this video he is trying to steer people in the right direction in regards to their actions.  Here is a link to the video (it's only a little over 5 minutes long).

Someone had shared it on Facebook, and it has been widely shared and that is how I came across it.  I think some of the things he pointed out could be applied to other people as well.  I chose to begin following his Facebook page too. 

Anyway, I saw that video of him trying to help steer people in the right direction, and then this morning on the show Sunday Morning they did a piece about a man and his family who fled here from the Middle East and the struggles that are going on over there.  It just all makes me so sad.  How many wars have to be fought in the name of "religion"?  I guess I will just never be able to understand it.  We're all people.  We're all the same in that we are made of flesh and bone.  Why should it matter what color we are, or what religion we are, or where we were born, etc.?   

I hope I didn't offend anyone with this post, and if I did I guess I just have to say "too bad".  Because this is me, and Living My Life as Me means you will see whatever might be bothering me on a particular day.  Today, it just so happens to be things like race relations and diversity and how I am sad about that right now.  I feel strongly that as a human race we need to stop the hate.  We have come a long way over the years, but we have a lot longer to go.  I will do my part by raising my kids to embrace diversity and to be an example for them and for those around me.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Lady Bugs, Skulls and Owls, Oh My!

I have this fascination with lady bugs, skulls and owls.  Do you want to know why?  Well, as for the lady bugs and owls (and butterflies too actually), it was my Grandma who was my inspiration.  But first, let me start with the skulls.  I love creepy.  Everything creepy, scary, macabre, etc.  I can't remember when it started, but I just always have.  I gravitate towards scary movies, books, TV shows, etc.  My favorite holiday is Halloween.  I love to decorate for it, and to be honest if I could, I would leave my house like that all year round.  Here is just an example:

That's the kitchen table.  Place mats, goblets, candles, the whole bit.  I even decorate the bathroom believe it or not.  I like the creepy stuff as well as some of the more rustic looks too.  This is how I like to decorate the coffee table:

I also have light up ghosts, trees, etc.  You get the idea.  My goal is to get a black artificial tree and decorate it in a Halloween theme (like a Christmas tree, but Halloween).  Those things are just crazy expensive unfortunately. Skulls though, I can have those all year round.  I have lots of shirts and jewelry with skulls on them.  Some people think skulls are evil, but I think that is just plain silly.  I am not evil.  I happen to be a very nice person who wouldn't hurt a fly (okay that's a lie, I would hurt a fly; I hate those things).

As for owls and lady bugs (and butterflies).  I think I got that from my Grandma.  My Grammy lived with us for most of the years I was growing up.  She was a very colorful lady.  I think I got my love of clothes and makeup from her too.  She always had her nails painted and wore makeup a lot of the time.  She also had an owl collection which I just loved and have carried that love throughout my life.  I was so excited when owls became "trendy" again.  It seems like they're everywhere and I love that. 

As for butterflies, I remember her having clothes with them and also her just talking about how pretty they were.  Butterflies and how colorful they are just remind me of her.  Lady bugs hold an extra special place in my heart.  My Grammy told me they were gentle little beetles, and she said that you could tell how old they were by their spots (which of course I know now is not true - but what a cool little story for a kid).  She also said they didn't bite (which also isn't true but I have never been bitten by one).  We had a special bond with the lady bugs, she and I.  Every time we would see one we would hold it and make a wish before we let it fly off. 

When I was grown and on my own I still carried those memories with me.  And, for Christmas one year I went to Michael's and bought a wooden butterfly house that was unfinished.  I painted it white, and stenciled lady bugs and flowers on it and gave it to her for Christmas.  My Grammy loved that butterfly house and kept it hanging outside until it literally fell apart.  I don't know if butterflies ever did live in it.

Several years ago cancer took my Grammy from us.  At the time she lived with my Mom and Dad which was on the other side of the state from me.  I went there for the funeral and to be with my Mom (Grammy was her mother).  This was in January.  Mom and I were sitting on her bed sharing memories and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something on the floor.  Would you believe it was a lady bug?  In January, in Missouri, where it was freezing cold with snow on the ground?  Where did it come from?  Well, I picked it up and put in on one of the plants in the house.  I had this "feeling" my Grandma sent it to us to comfort us.  You might think that is silly, or wishful thinking, but it really did comfort me.  Later that night, I went to my hotel room.  I was sitting on the bed looking at a picture of my Grammy and just kind of talking to her in my head.  Would you believe, crawling up the wall, there was a lady bug?  Well, you better believe it, because there it was!  I knew right then and there that she had sent it.  I called my Mom and was just bawling my eyes out telling her about it.  Then, I turned and it was gone.  I didn't see it again in my room.  Ever since then, every time I see a lady bug I think of my Grammy.  So, you see why they are so special?

Friday, August 29, 2014

Las Vegas

So, what better way to start a blog than with something exciting?  My husband and I celebrated our 20 year wedding anniversary in July and his gift to us was a trip to Las Vegas.  We've actually been together for 27 years and are high school sweethearts.  We left for Las Vegas this past Sunday and got back yesterday.  First off, let me just say how much I hate to fly.  I can't stand to be in an airplane surrounded by all those people, hurtling through the sky at 500 miles an hour.  But, if I get to do something fun, I will grit my teeth and do it.  So, the trip started out kind of rocky and ended kind of rocky but everything in between was wonderful.

If you ever want to go to Las Vegas, I highly recommend looking into Southwest Airlines vacation packages.  We got an amazing deal and got to stay at a top of the line hotel.  Caesar's Palace was absolutely beautiful.  Our room was 650 square feet!

And the view was perfect!

I ate like a pig, but think I burned off a lot of the calories from all the walking we did.  Both of us realized we are definitely not youngsters anymore.  Our 40 something bodies felt all those extra steps by the end of the day.  It was SO worth it though.

We did lots of window shopping and bought a few things.  Nothing extravagant.  If somebody has a lot of money and likes to spend it on designer duds, you can certainly find anything you want in Las Vegas.

We went to see Penn and Teller perform and that was really great.  We also saw Cirque Du Soleil perform Zarkana, and that was beyond amazing.  I don't think a word has been invented to describe how cool those shows are.  I was in awe the whole time.  That is the second time we have seen a Cirque Du Soleil show and I honestly can't say which I liked more.  I think I liked them equally.  Next time we go to Las Vegas we will go to another show for sure.  Or, hopefully one of the shows that tours will come around here where we live.

We had such a nice time together and it was so nice to get away for a few days just to be a couple again.  We have two boys, ages 18 and 15, and we haven't been away together since they were little.  We've done several family vacations and I love those, and it's also nice to do something just the two of us.  I think the boys enjoyed us being gone too.  They did a great job taking care of everything while we were gone.  No college or high school was missed, and the dog was still alive when we got back.  ha ha

Oh, and we did gamble just a little bit.  I have a hard time putting money in a slot machine and losing it so I only gambled about $50.00.  I would rather have something to show for my money so I bought a few shirts instead.  My husband gambled more than me but I think all in all he still only lost about $50.00 by the end too.  You don't have to be a gambler to enjoy Las Vegas.  It's a beautiful city with lots to do.

It was a wonderful anniversary trip!

This is a whole new world

Well, this will be a whole new world for me.  I hope I am doing this "right".  This is my first time creating a blog.  I do have a You Tube channel where I talk about some things but I don't put out videos every day.  I hope this blog can be a place where I can share my thoughts much more often than I do You Tube videos.  Please be patient with me while I figure this whole thing out.