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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

No Babies Please

Just a quick blog today.  Why is it that some people automatically assume you want to hold their baby?  Just because I am a female and a mother does not mean I want to hold your baby.  Now, if it is in regards to babies who I am related to, or babies of people I know very well, no problem, I want to hold that baby.  But a stranger, or someone I barely know?  No way.  Nope.  Nada.  Not holding your baby, sorry. 

Maybe it's just me, but I am almost afraid to hold a baby of someone whom I barely know.  The little person will probably start crying or maybe I will accidentally drop it (which I have never done).  It just makes me really nervous.  I always pretend like I am coming down with something.  "Oh I really shouldn't, I've been under the weather and would hate to give your baby my illness".  Works like a charm.  ;)

Family members or people I am comfortable with I have no issues with.  I guess it's just a nervous "thing" I have going.  Otherwise I just love little babies.  I could look at them all day.  If they aren't crying......


  1. I can relate a bit - it is rather weird! I haven't been 'offered' in a while and as my 3 little babies are now 9 years+, young children seem very odd indeed. I think I would be as lost as I was when newly a parent if I had to babysit :-)

  2. I love babies, but I'm with you - I would rather not hold a stranger's baby. :)

  3. When my kids were babies, I never asked people if they want to hold them, and I hate it when people do that to me now. If someone wants to hold your baby, they can ask, otherwise leave them alone.
    Another thing I hate is when you're trying to have a conversation with someone and they start in with "say hello to Pam, can you say hi, say hi, say hi, don't you want to say hi to Pam". Oh dear god! I'm talking to you, not your kid!

    Ok, rant over. hahahahaha....

  4. Surprising that today, with all the stranger-danger propaganda that people still ask that! What I hated was when strangers felt free to touch my pregnant belly and start conversations . . . that always creeped me out!!

    I have 2 children and went through a period whenever I saw an infant, it would trigger an irr..ational desire to have more children. It's a good thing hormones changed and tho' I love contented, smiling babies . . . I am now happy to just look at them if they are not related or close friends
